Paparazzi!: Tales of Tinseltown
Paparazzi - Tales of Tinseltown (1995)(Activision)(Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
771 lines
on startMovie
global gMoney, gIntegrity, gDayOfTheWeek, gDayOrNight, gOneOrTwo,¼
g19A, g18A,g01A,g11A,g02A, g15A, g13A, g06A,g09A, g08A, g05A, g03A, g25A, g22A,¼
gMags, Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4, Player5, Player6,¼
gCurrentPlayer,textTemp,gTheCDPath, whichPlayer, CDorHD, HDPathName, gReset, GameOrOptions, TheDrivePath
set the exitlock to true
--loads all the data from the text files
-- set gTheCDPath = "PPrazzi1:Assets:"
set gReset = ""
set GameOrOptions = ""
if CDorHD = "yes" then
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "ACurPlyr.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into gCurrentPlayer
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer1.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player1
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer2.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player2
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer3.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player3
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer4.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player4
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer5.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player5
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer6.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player6
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "ACurPlyr.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into gCurrentPlayer
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer1.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player1
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer2.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player2
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer3.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player3
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer4.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player4
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer5.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player5
if objectP(textTemp) then textTemp(mDispose)
put fileIO(mNew, "read", HDPathName & "APlayer6.txt") into textTemp
put textTemp(mReadFile) into Player6
end if
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 1 then set WhichPlayer = Player1
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 2 then set WhichPlayer = Player2
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 3 then set WhichPlayer = Player3
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 4 then set WhichPlayer = Player4
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 5 then set WhichPlayer = Player5
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 6 then set WhichPlayer = Player6
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 0 then
end if
end startMovie
on LoadEmUp
global gMoney, gIntegrity, gDayOfTheWeek, gDayOrNight, gOneOrTwo,gSuccessRate,¼
g19A, g18A,g01A,g11A,g02A, g15A, g13A, g06A,g09A, g08A, g05A, g03A, g25A, g22A,¼
gMags, Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4, Player5, Player6, gCurrentPlayer,¼
gTheDay, whichPlayer, conglomo, InvitedOrNot
set gMoney = the value of line 2 of WhichPlayer
set gIntegrity = the value of line 3 of WhichPlayer
set gDayOfTheWeek = the value of line 4 of WhichPlayer
set gDayOrNight = line 5 of WhichPlayer
set gOneOrTwo = the value of line 6 of WhichPlayer
set gSuccessRate = the value of line 7 of WhichPlayer
set g19A = item 1 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g18A = item 2 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g01A = item 3 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g11A = item 4 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g02A = item 5 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g15A = item 6 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g13A = item 7 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g06A = item 8 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g09A = item 9 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g08A = item 10 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g05A = item 11 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g03A = item 12 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g25A = item 13 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set g22A = item 14 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
set conglomo = line 13 of whichPlayer
set InvitedOrNot = line 14 of whichPlayer
end LoadEmUp
on WhatDayIsIt
global gMoney, gIntegrity, gDayOfTheWeek, gDayOrNight, gOneOrTwo, gTheDay
put gDayOfTheWeek & gDayOrNight into gTheDay
end WhatDayIsIt
on LoadNPlay movieNframeName
global movieNframeName
puppetsound "button.aif"
go frame movieNframeName
on TVLoad
global theTVName
puppetsound 0
end TVLoad
on hiliter spriteNum, castName, castNameHL
repeat while the mousedown
if rollover(spriteNum) then
set the castNum of sprite spriteNum = cast castNameHL
set the castNum of sprite spriteNum = cast castName
end if
end repeat
on turnOnDollars
repeat with i = 14 to 21
puppetSprite i, true
end repeat
end turnOnDollars
on turnOffDollars
repeat with i = 14 to 21
puppetSprite i, false
end repeat
end turnOffDollars
on turnOnBuyers
repeat with i = 33 to 37
puppetSprite i, true
end repeat
end turnOnBuyers
on turnOffBuyers
repeat with i = 33 to 37
puppetSprite i, false
end repeat
end turnOffBuyers
on WriteUpdatedInfo
global Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4, Player5, Player6,¼
gCurrentPlayer, gThePath, UpDatedPlayer, textTemp1, fileIO,¼
WhichPlayer, HDPathName, CDorHD
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 1 then put "APlayer1.txt" into TheDoc
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 2 then put "APlayer2.txt" into TheDoc
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 3 then put "APLAYER3.txt" into TheDoc
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 4 then put "APLAYER4.txt" into TheDoc
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 5 then put "APLAYER5.txt" into TheDoc
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 6 then put "APLAYER6.txt" into TheDoc
-- writes the updated player data to the current player's text file
if CDorHD = "yes" then
if objectP(textTemp1) then textTemp1(mDispose)
set textTemp1 = FileIO(mNew, "write", HDPathName & TheDoc)
textTemp1(mWriteString, string(UpDatedPlayer))
textTemp1(mSetFinderInfo, "TEXT", "MSWD")
if objectP(textTemp1) then textTemp1(mDispose)
set textTemp1 = FileIO(mNew, "write", HDPathName & TheDoc)
textTemp1(mWriteString, string(UpDatedPlayer))
textTemp1(mSetFinderInfo, "TEXT", "MSWD")
end if
--updates the current player's global
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 1 then set Player1 = WhichPlayer
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 2 then set Player2 = WhichPlayer
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 3 then set Player3 = WhichPlayer
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 4 then set Player4 = WhichPlayer
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 5 then set Player5 = WhichPlayer
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 6 then set Player6 = WhichPlayer
end WriteUpdatedInfo
on UpDatePlayerData
global gMoney, gIntegrity, gDayOfTheWeek, gDayOrNight, gOneOrTwo,gSuccessRate,¼
g19A, g18A,g01A,g11A,g02A, g15A, g13A, g06A,g09A, g08A, g05A, g03A, g25A, g22A,¼
gMags, UpDatedPlayer, WhichPlayer, conglomo, InvitedOrNot
put gMoney into line 2 of WhichPlayer
put gIntegrity into line 3 of WhichPlayer
put gDayOfTheWeek into line 4 of WhichPlayer
put gDayOrNight into line 5 of WhichPlayer
put gOneOrTwo into line 6 of WhichPlayer
put gSuccessRate into line 7 of WhichPlayer
put gMoney into line 2 of WhichPlayer
put g19A into item 1 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g18A into item 2 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g01A into item 3 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g11A into item 4 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g02A into item 5 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g15A into item 6 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g13A into item 7 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g06A into item 8 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g09A into item 9 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g08A into item 10 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g05A into item 11 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g03A into item 12 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g25A into item 13 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put g22A into item 14 of line 8 of WhichPlayer
put "OptDay" & gDayOfTheWeek into line 12 of whichplayer
put conglomo into line 13 of whichplayer
put InvitedOrNot into line 14 of WhichPlayer
set UpDatedPlayer = WhichPlayer
end UpDatePlayerData
on calculateMoney
global gMoney
set MoneyHolder = ",,,,,,,"
set CharTemp = the length of string(gmoney)
set theDif = 7 - CharTemp
repeat with i = CharTemp down to 1
put char i of string(gMoney) into item i + TheDif of MoneyHolder
end repeat
set y = 0
repeat with x = 14 to 20
set y = y + 1
if item y of MoneyHolder = "" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "Mblank"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "-" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "Mminus"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "0" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M0"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "1" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M1"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "2" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M2"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "3" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M3"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "4" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M4"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "5" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M5"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "6" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M6"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "7" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M7"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "8" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M8"
if item y of MoneyHolder = "9" then set the castNum of sprite x to cast "M9"
end repeat
end calulateMoney
on integrameter
global gIntegrity
if gIntegrity >= 89 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "ed himself"
if gIntegrity >= 79 and gIntegrity <= 88 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Angel"
if gIntegrity >= 69 and gIntegrity <= 78 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Priest"
if gIntegrity >= 59 and gIntegrity <= 68 then set¼
the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Canadian Mounty"
if gIntegrity >= 49 and gIntegrity <= 58 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Person Scout"
if gIntegrity >= 39 and gIntegrity <= 48 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Honorable"
if gIntegrity >= 29 and gIntegrity <= 38 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Friendly"
if gIntegrity >= 19 and gIntegrity <= 28 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Courteous"
if gIntegrity >= 9 and gIntegrity <= 18 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Basically Nice"
if gIntegrity >= -1 and gIntegrity <= 8 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Law Abiding"
if gIntegrity >= -11 and gIntegrity <= -2 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Decent"
if gIntegrity >= -21 and gIntegrity <= -12 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Average"
if gIntegrity >= -31 and gIntegrity <= -22 then set¼
the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "All Too Human"
if gIntegrity >= -41 and gIntegrity <= -32 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Fallible"
if gIntegrity >= -51 and gIntegrity <= -42 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Sneaky"
if gIntegrity >= -61 and gIntegrity <= -52 then set¼
the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Troublemaker"
if gIntegrity >= -71 and gIntegrity <= -62 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Peeping Tom"
if gIntegrity >= -81 and gIntegrity <= -72 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Shifty"
if gIntegrity >= -91 and gIntegrity <= -82 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Jerk"
if gIntegrity >= -101 and gIntegrity <= -92 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Hoodlum"
if gIntegrity >= -111 and gIntegrity <= -102 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Rat"
if gIntegrity >= -121 and gIntegrity <= -112 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Liar"
if gIntegrity >= -131 and gIntegrity <= -122 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Sludge"
if gIntegrity >= -141 and gIntegrity <= -132 then set the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Leech"
if gIntegrity >= -151 and gIntegrity <= -142 then set¼
the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Scumsucker"
if gIntegrity >= -161 and gIntegrity <= -152 then set¼
the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Satan himself"
if gIntegrity <= -162 then set¼
the castNum of sprite 21 to cast "Paparazzi"
end integrameter
on richOrPoor
global gmoney, howRich
if gMoney <= 0 then set howRich = "Feet"
if gMoney >= 1 and gmoney <= 2500 then set howRich = "olds"
if gMoney >= 2501 and gmoney <= 10000 then set howRich = "celica"
if gMoney >= 10001 and gmoney <= 50000 then set howRich = "jeep"
if gMoney >= 50001 then set howRich = "A3000"
go frame "Travel"
end richOrPoor
on getItOrNot
global gTheShot, whichBuyer, payoffStart, payoffEnd, gConditional, gTheDay
if whichBuyer = "SkippyPayCont" then
go frame "SkippyPayCont"
end if
if whichBuyer = "NoBuyers" then
go frame gTheDay & "NoBuyers"
end if
if gTheShot >= payoffStart and gTheShot <= payoffEnd then --You Got It!
--mark the global for that shot
set gConditional = "c"
go frame whichBuyer
go frame gTheDay & "NoBuyers" --you missed it
end if
end getItOrNot
on optionsON
repeat with q = 9 to 28
puppetsprite q, true
end repeat
end optionsON
on optionsOFF
repeat with q = 9 to 28
puppetsprite q, false
end repeat
end optionsOFF
on writeCurrentPlayer
global gCurrentPlayer, FileIO, textTemp1, whichPlayer,¼
player1, player2, player3, player4, player5, player6, gThePath,¼
HDPathName, CDorHD
if CDorHD = "yes" then
if objectP(textTemp1) then textTemp1(mDispose)
set textTemp1 = FileIO(mNew, "write", HDPathName & "ACurPlyr.txt")
textTemp1(mWriteString, string(gCurrentPlayer))
textTemp1(mSetFinderInfo, "TEXT", "MSWD")
if objectP(textTemp1) then textTemp1(mDispose)
set textTemp1 = FileIO(mNew, "write", HDPathName & "ACurPlyr.txt")
textTemp1(mWriteString, string(gCurrentPlayer))
textTemp1(mSetFinderInfo, "TEXT", "MSWD")
end if
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 1 then set WhichPlayer = Player1
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 2 then set WhichPlayer = Player2
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 3 then set WhichPlayer = Player3
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 4 then set WhichPlayer = Player4
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 5 then set WhichPlayer = Player5
if value(gCurrentPlayer) = 6 then set WhichPlayer = Player6
end writeCurrentPlayer
on resurectMe
global gCurrentPlayer, FileIO, textTemp1, whichPlayer,¼
player1, player2, player3, player4, player5, player6, gThePath,¼
theDoc, HDPathName, CDorHD, TheDrivePath
if CDorHD = "yes" then
if objectP(textTemp1) then textTemp1(mDispose)
set textTemp1 = FileIO(mNew, "write", HDPathName & theDoc)
textTemp1(mWriteString, string(whichPlayer))
textTemp1(mSetFinderInfo, "TEXT", "MSWD")
if objectP(textTemp1) then textTemp1(mDispose)
set textTemp1 = FileIO(mNew, "write", HDPathName & theDoc)
textTemp1(mWriteString, string(whichPlayer))
textTemp1(mSetFinderInfo, "TEXT", "MSWD")
end if
end resurectMe
on whatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
global whichplayer
if line 10 of whichPlayer = a then
put b into line 10 of whichPlayer
set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to cast b
end if
if line 10 of whichPlayer = b then
put c into line 10 of whichPlayer
set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to cast c
end if
if line 10 of whichPlayer = c then
put a into line 10 of whichPlayer
set the castNum of sprite spriteNum to cast a
end if
end whatsMyName
on WipeConditionals
global motel, mall, fug, cheevers, hotel, court, cclub, lingo,¼
sigis, markit, rosy, alley, park, tv1, tv2, tv3, tv4, tv5, tv6, ¼
--clears all the conditionals at trans time
--fresh start for each section
put "" into motel
put "" into mall
put "" into fug
put "" into cheevers
put "" into hotel
put "" into court
put "" into cclub
put "" into lingo
put "" into sigis
put "" into markit
put "" into rosy
put "" into alley
put "" into park
put "" into tv1
put "" into tv2
put "" into tv3
put "" into tv4
put "" into tv5
put "" into tv6
put "" into calls
end WipeConditionals
on turnOnDaycons
repeat with d = 28 to 31
puppetsprite d, true
end repeat
end turnOnDaycons
on turnOffDaycons
repeat with d = 28 to 31
puppetsprite d, false
end repeat
end turnOffDaycons
on GameContinue
global gCondition, gCurrentPlayer, whichPlayer, gDayOfTheWeek,¼
gDayOrNight, gOneOrTwo, gTheDay, gTheCDPath, TheMast, g19A,¼
gsuccessRate, theMovieName, fug, alley, HDPathName, TheDrivePath
set the directToStage of cast theMovieName to 0
unloadCast theMovieName
puppetSprite 3, false
puppetsprite 48, false
set the castNum of sprite 23 to cast "ContinueBTN"
sound Playfile 1, HDPathName & "part3.aif"
if gDayOrNight = "D" and gOneOrTwo = 1 then
set gOneOrTwo = 2
--write out the updated player info
end if
if gDayOrNight = "N" and gOneOrTwo = 1 then
set gOneOrTwo = 2
--write out the updated player info
end if
if gDayOrNight = "D" and gOneOrTwo = 2 then
set gDayOrNight = "N"
set gOneOrTwo = 1
--write out the updated player info
end if
if gDayOrNight = "N" and gOneOrTwo = 2 then
set gDayOfTheWeek = gDayOfTheWeek + 1
set gDayOrNight = "D"
set gOneOrTwo = 1
--write out the updated player info
end if
end GameContinue
on AcceptIt
global gMoneyTemp, gMoney, gIntegrity, gIntegrityTemp
set the castNum of sprite 25 = cast "Accept"
set gMoney = gMoney + gMoneyTemp
set gIntegrity = gIntegrity + gIntegrityTemp
puppetsound "chaching.aif"
end AcceptIt
on ResetMe
global gTheDay, gCurrentPlayer, whichPlayer, player1, player2,¼
player3, player4, player5, player6, theDoc
if the clickON = 9 then
set gCurrentPlayer = 1
set theCurrentName = line 10 of player1
set whichPlayer = the text of cast "player1"
put theCurrentName into line 10 of whichPlayer
put "Esmaralda" into a
put "Josephine" into b
put "Etta" into c
put 16 into spriteNum
WhatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
put "Fem1" into line 11 of whichplayer
set player1 = whichplayer
set theDoc = "APlayer1.txt"
set the castNum of sprite 9 to cast "Fem1"
set the castNum of sprite 23 to cast "optionsBlank"
puppetsound 0
end if
if the clickON = 10 then
set gCurrentPlayer = 2
set theCurrentName = line 10 of player2
set whichPlayer = the text of cast "player2"
put theCurrentName into line 10 of whichPlayer
put "Zoe" into a
put "Chloe" into b
put "Fifi" into c
put 17 into spriteNum
WhatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
put "Fem2" into line 11 of whichplayer
set player2 = whichplayer
set theDoc = "APlayer2.txt"
set the castNum of sprite 10 to cast "Fem2"
set the castNum of sprite 24 to cast "optionsBlank"
puppetsound 0
end if
if the clickON = 11 then
set gCurrentPlayer = 3
set theCurrentName = line 10 of player3
set whichPlayer = the text of cast "player3"
put theCurrentName into line 10 of whichPlayer
put "Hilary" into a
put "Tara" into b
put "Jo" into c
put 18 into spriteNum
WhatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
put "Fem3" into line 11 of whichplayer
set player3 = whichplayer
set theDoc = "APlayer3.txt"
resurectMe whichplayer, theDoc
set the castNum of sprite 11 to cast "Fem3"
set the castNum of sprite 25 to cast "optionsBlank"
puppetsound 0
end if
if the clickON = 12 then
set gCurrentPlayer = 4
set theCurrentName = line 10 of player4
set whichPlayer = the text of cast "player4"
put theCurrentName into line 10 of whichPlayer
put "Biff" into a
put "Dudley" into b
put "Clancy" into c
put 19 into spriteNum
WhatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
put "Male1" into line 11 of whichplayer
set player4 = whichplayer
set theDoc = "APlayer4.txt"
set the castNum of sprite 12 to cast "Male1"
set the castNum of sprite 26 to cast "optionsBlank"
puppetsound 0
end if
if the clickON = 13 then
set gCurrentPlayer = 5
set theCurrentName = line 10 of player5
set whichPlayer = the text of cast "player5"
put theCurrentName into line 10 of whichPlayer
put "Luciano" into a
put "Marcello" into b
put "Antonio" into c
put 20 into spriteNum
WhatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
put "Male2" into line 11 of whichplayer
set player5 = whichplayer
set theDoc = "APlayer5.txt"
set the castNum of sprite 13 to cast "Male2"
set the castNum of sprite 27 to cast "optionsBlank"
puppetsound 0
end if
if the clickON = 14 then
set gCurrentPlayer = 6
set theCurrentName = line 10 of player6
set whichPlayer = the text of cast "player6"
put theCurrentName into line 10 of whichPlayer
put "Ratso" into a
put "Aaron" into b
put "Slick" into c
put 21 into spriteNum
WhatsMyName a, b, c, spriteNum
put "Male3" into line 11 of whichplayer
set player6 = whichplayer
set theDoc = "APlayer6.txt"
set the castNum of sprite 14 to cast "Male3"
set the castNum of sprite 28 to cast "optionsBlank"
puppetsound 0
end if
end ResetMe
on CheckTheCD
global gDayOfTheWeek, gTheDay,ThePapMovie1, ThePapMovie2, TheDrivePath, HDPathName
put getNthFileNameInFolder(TheDrivePath & ":\Assets", 1) into CD1
put getNthFileNameInFolder(TheDrivePath & ":\Assets", 1) into CD2
if gDayOfTheWeek <= 8 then -- player is at first week i.e. days 1-8
if (CD1 = "A01.TXT") then -- and the first CD is in
if the movie = "PPraziA1.dir" then -- and if the current movie name is this movie
go frame gTheDay & "trans" -- go to the proper day's transition screen
go frame "ThinkingTrans" of movie HDPathName & "PPraziA1.dir" -- go to the 1st movie
end if
else -- if CD1 isn't in the drive
go frame "AskForCD1" of movie HDpathname & "PapHelp.Dir"
end if
else -- if the player is on the second week i.e. days 9-14
if (CD2 = "A02.TXT") then -- and the second CD is in
if the movie = "PPraziA2.dir" then -- and if the current movie name is this movie
go frame gTheDay & "trans" -- go to the proper day's transition screen
go frame "ThinkingTrans" of movie HDPathName & "PPraziA2.dir" -- go to the 2nd movie
end if
else -- if CD2 isn't in the drive
go frame "AskForCD2" of movie HDpathname & "PapHelp.Dir"
end if
end if
end CheckTheCD
on CheckTheCDResume
global gDayOfTheWeek, gTheDay,ThePapMovie1, ThePapMovie2, TheDrivePath, HDPathName
put getNthFileNameInFolder(TheDrivePath & ":\Assets", 1) into CD1
put getNthFileNameInFolder(TheDrivePath & ":\Assets", 1) into CD2
if gDayOfTheWeek <= 8 then -- player is at first week i.e. days 1-8
if (CD1 = "A01.TXT") then -- and the first CD is in
if the movie = "PPraziA1.dir" then -- and if the current movie name is this movie
go frame gTheDay & "idle" -- go to the proper day's transition screen
go frame "ThinkingIdle" of movie HDPathName & "PPraziA1.dir" -- go to the 1st movie
end if
else -- if CD1 isn't in the drive
go frame "AskForCD1" of movie HDpathname & "PapHelp.Dir"
end if
else -- if the player is on the second week i.e. days 9-14
if (CD2 = "A02.TXT") then -- and the second CD is in
if the movie = "PPraziA2.dir" then -- and if the current movie name is this movie
go frame gTheDay & "idle" -- go to the proper day's transition screen
go frame "ThinkingIdle" of movie HDPathName & "PPraziA2.dir" -- go to the 2nd movie
end if
else -- if CD2 isn't in the drive
go frame "AskForCD2" of movie HDpathname & "PapHelp.Dir"
end if
end if
end CheckTheCDResume